Development environment setup
- Rails Composer Show snapshot
Basically a comprehensive Rails Template. Prepares your development environment and lets you select web server, template engine, unit and integration testing frameworks and more.
Generate an app in minutes using an application template. With all the options you want!
Code generators
- Rails Bricks Show snapshot
A command line wizard. Once you get it running, it creates sleek applications.
RailsBricks enables you to create Rails apps much faster by automating mundane setup tasks and configuring useful common gems for you.
- Hobo Show snapshot
A command line app generation wizard like Rails Bricks. Claims to be more flexible than all others. Has been around since 2006!
Rails Generators Show snapshot and Templates Show snapshot
Not a wizard, but a toolbox. Extensible and flexible.
- nifty-generators Show snapshot
A collection of Rails generator scripts for scaffolding, layout files, authentication, and more. Last commit a year ago :|
- prelang Show snapshot
Closed-source, but looks very promising. Currently ('14) in alpha.
On-the-fly Generators
- ActiveScaffold Show snapshot
CRUD generator. Does not generate views, but encapsulates them inside the gem.
ActiveScaffold provides a quick and powerful user interfaces for CRUD (create, read, update, delete) operations for Rails applications. It offers additonal features including searching, pagination & layout control.
- rails_admin Show snapshot
An admin interface that generates itself from the models it finds in your app. It is a Rails engine, meaning it won't generate files for you, but rather build pages per-request.
RailsAdmin is a Rails engine that provides an easy-to-use interface for managing your data.