Resolving Element cannot be scrolled into view (Selenium::WebDriver::Error::MoveTargetOutOfBoundsError) on Mavericks

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After I upgraded to Mac OS X Mavericks, I regularly got this error message when running Cucumber features with Selenium:

Element cannot be scrolled into view:[object XrayWrapper [object HTMLInputElement]] (Selenium::WebDriver::Error::MoveTargetOutOfBoundsError)

I had the Terminal window running the test on my secondary screen, whereas the Selenium-webdriven Firefox always started on my primary one. Now if I had focused the secondary screen when running the tests, Selenium could not start Firefox and switch to it (probably because the screens are split), generating the above error message.

Defining my secondary monitor as primary (System Preferences > Monitors > Arrange > drag the menubar to the to-be-primary screen) solved this for me.

Dominik Schöler
Source code in this card is licensed under the MIT License.
Posted by Dominik Schöler to makandra dev (2014-02-03 11:01)