If your terminal has many tabs, you'll want to keep them organized. To change their title from the prompt, run this function:
function tab_title {
if [ -z "$1" ]
title=${PWD##*/} # current directory
title=$1 # first param
echo -n -e "\033]0;$title\007"
Put it into your ~/.bashrc
to have it always available. Adjust to your needs.
$> tab_title
# title set to the current directory's name
$> tab_title new_title
# title set to "new_title"
Auto-setting the title
If you want your title to update each time you change the working directory, put this code after the function definition.
# auto-title
cd() { builtin cd "$@" && tab_title; }
pushd() { builtin pushd "$@" && tab_title; }
popd() { builtin popd "$@" && tab_title; }
Posted by Dominik Schöler to makandra dev (2014-01-17 14:24)