Embed Font Awesome icons from your CSS

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An annoying part of using font icons is that the icons usually need to live in the DOM. This is a step back from the time when we defined raster icons with background-image, in the CSS.

It doesn't have to be that way.

Copy the attached file font-awesome-sass.css.sass to your assets (we recommend /vendor/asset-libs/font-awesome-sass).

You can now use Font Awesome icons from your Sass files:

@import font-awesome-sass

  color: red
  color: red

Some notes:

  • The mixin defines one $ICON_* constant for each icon. It uses the same names as Font Awesome Show archive.org snapshot .
  • +prepend_icon puts the icon into the :before element. You can also use +append_icon to put the icon into the :after element, or simply +icon to replace the current selector with the requested icon.
  • The icon constants are compatible with Font Awesome 3.2.1. Font Awesome has recently released version 4 und WTF THEY RENAMED ALL THE ICONS. You will need to adjust the Sass files to make it work with Font Awesome 4. The attached Ruby script to convert a Font Awesome cheatsheet to a list of Sass variables.
Henning Koch
Source code in this card is licensed under the MIT License.
Posted by Henning Koch to makandra dev (2013-12-17 11:57)