How to set git user and email per directory

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I am using git at several places: at work, at university, and at home. I want an own git user/email for each of those places, but I don't want to care setting the values each time I create or clone a new repository.

Git allows for setting user/email per repository, globally and system-wide, but I need a fourth dimension: per directory. By setting git environment variables using ondir, I managed to get exactly what I need.

  1. Install ondir (on a Mac: brew install ondir, other OSs need to install it from the linked page).

  2. Put these functions into your shell profile (e.g. .profile):

     # ondir configuration
     cd() {
       builtin cd "$@" && eval "`ondir \"$OLDPWD\" \"$PWD\"`"
     pushd() {
       builtin pushd "$@" && eval "`ondir \"$OLDPWD\" \"$PWD\"`"
     popd() {
       builtin popd "$@" && eval "`ondir \"$OLDPWD\" \"$PWD\"`"
     eval "`ondir /`"
  3. Configure ondir by putting these lines into ~/.ondirrc (adapt it to whatever you need):

     enter ~/dev/work
       export GIT_AUTHOR_NAME='Name at work'
       export GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL=''
       export GIT_COMMITTER_NAME='Name at work'
       export GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL=''
       echo 'Switched to git user/email settings for "work".'
     leave ~/dev/work
       unset GIT_AUTHOR_NAME
       unset GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL
       echo 'Switched back to global git user/email settings.'

Now when you cd to ~/dev/work, git config will still show the global git user name, but for commits, the environment variable will be used (check with echo $GIT_AUTHOR_NAME).

Don't forget to source the changed shell profile to your current shell session. Enjoy!

Dominik Schöler
Last edit
git, config
Source code in this card is licensed under the MIT License.
Posted by Dominik Schöler to makandra dev (2013-11-02 12:04)