I recently experienced the error ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: Mysql2::Error: closed MySQL connection
. Apparently this happens when there is a timeout during query execution. In order to fix this you can reconnect to your db.
Therefore either add reconnect: true
to your database.yml for automatic reconnection when the error occurs or catch the error and manually and reconnect explicitly via ActiveRecord::Base.connection.reconnect!
Be aware that reconnecting will have the following impact on your current connection:
- Any active transactions are rolled back and autocommit mode is reset.
- All table locks are released.
- All TEMPORARY tables are closed (and dropped).
- ...
For further details see the mysql doc Show archive.org snapshot .
You can actually force this error by setting a short timeout and sleeping in the query:
Timeout.timeout(1) { User.find_by_sql('SELECT sleep(2) FROM users;') }
# All subsequent queries then will fail with the error mentioned above
Posted to makandra dev (2013-10-01 11:23)