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.rvmrc deprecated in favor of .ruby-version and .ruby-gemset

Thomas Eisenbarth
September 13, 2013Software engineer at makandra GmbH

Do not use .rvmrc files to specify Ruby version and gemset configuration any longer, it's deprecated and not considered by other Ruby version managers such as rbenv.

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If you want to migrate an existing .rvmrc you can use rvm rvmrc to .ruby-version.
Put gemset specification into .ruby-gemset.

Creating the .ruby-version file on your own, just make a file containing e.g.


Attention: Don't clutter other developers rvms with several unecessary ruby patch levels

When you use the rvm command

rvm --ruby-version use 1.8.7

it generates a .ruby-version file containing


Using such a .ruby-version file demands installing a new ruby version for each patch level.

Posted by Thomas Eisenbarth to makandra dev (2013-09-13 09:26)