Getting rid of space between inline-block elements

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When two elements with display: inline-block are sitting next to each other, whitespace between becomes a space character.

Solutions, in decreasing order of awesomeness:

  1. Don't have whitespace between two elements! See Whitespace Removal in Haml Show snapshot if you're using Haml.
  2. Don't use inline-block. Use floating elements instead (don't forget to clear them!).
  3. Try to compensate for the space with a negative margin. Unfortunately you will never be able to negate the space exactly, leading to weird hairlines betwen elements (especially on high-DPI displays, where a pixel is not a pixel).
  4. Give the container font-size: 0. Unfortunately this has issues on iOS devices.
Henning Koch
Source code in this card is licensed under the MIT License.
Posted by Henning Koch to makandra dev (2013-08-24 17:41)