exception_notification 3.0.0+ lets you send errors as HTML e-mails

Posted . Visible to the public.

Exception notifications contain a lot of information: Backtraces, HTTP headers, etc. exception_notification Show archive.org snapshot tries its best to format this wall of information using ASCII art, but you can also make it send those notification as simple HTML e-mails that have some simple formatting for clarity, but no images etc. To do so, activate this option:

:email_format => :html

Those HTML notifications are still delivered with a text-only version, so if you are using a console client or want to forward the error you're still good.

We want to enable this in option in all future projects.

After deploying the change, make sure notifications are still sent (internal card).

Henning Koch
Last edit
Source code in this card is licensed under the MIT License.
Posted by Henning Koch to makandra dev (2013-07-30 08:39)