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Capybara can match elements outside of <body>

Henning Koch
October 14, 2011Software engineer at makandra GmbH

Capybara will match elements outside of a page's <body> tag.

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For example, the step definitions below match <link> nodes in a page's <head>:

Then /^my browser should auto-discover the "([^"]*)" feed$/ do |slug|
  page.should have_css(
    'head link' +
    '[rel="alternate"]' +
    "[href='{slug}/feed.rss']" +
    '[title="RSS feed (all cards)"]' +
    visible: false

Then /^my browser should not auto-discover any RSS feeds$/ do
  page.should_not have_css('head link[rel="alternate"][type="application/rss+xml"]')
Posted by Henning Koch to makandra dev (2011-10-14 11:30)