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List keys stored in memcached / Amazon AWS ElastiCache server

Thomas Eisenbarth
July 05, 2013Software engineer at makandra GmbH

Connect to your memcached host. (AWS elasticache is memcached)

telnet 11211 
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Once you're connected, find out which 'slabs' exist within the cache:

stats items
STAT items:1:number 3550
STAT items:1:age 5166393
STAT items:1:evicted 0
STAT items:1:evicted_nonzero 0
STAT items:1:evicted_time 0
STAT items:1:outofmemory 0
STAT items:1:tailrepairs 0
STAT items:1:reclaimed 0
STAT items:2:number 144886
STAT items:2:age 1375536
STAT items:2:evicted 0
STAT items:2:evicted_nonzero 0
STAT items:2:evicted_time 0
STAT items:2:outofmemory 0
STAT items:2:tailrepairs 0
STAT items:2:reclaimed 1638
STAT items:3:number 2628952
STAT items:3:age 232524
STAT items:3:evicted 0
STAT items:3:evicted_nonzero 0
STAT items:3:evicted_time 0
STAT items:3:outofmemory 0
STAT items:3:tailrepairs 0
STAT items:3:reclaimed 151110

The number after items: shows the respective slab.
You can retrieve the keys stored within this container using stats cachedump <slab> <limit>:

stats cachedump 1 5
ITEM foo100:Class|last_id [6 b; 1342195946 s]
ITEM foo106:Class|last_id [7 b; 1342195946 s]
ITEM foo:Class|last_id [7 b; 1342195946 s]
ITEM foo106:Class|lock [9 b; 1373030893 s]
ITEM foo100:Class|lock [8 b; 1373030581 s]
Posted by Thomas Eisenbarth to makandra dev (2013-07-05 14:41)