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Markdown-like emphasizing for text fields

Dominik Schöler
April 05, 2013Software engineer at makandra GmbH

Say you want to allow users to emphasize some string, but the whole markdown thing would be far too much. The helper method below does a basic replacement of **some text** with <strong>some text</strong>.

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Usage: <%=md @question.title %>.

  def custom_markdown(prose)
    markdown =
    markdown << prose.to_str # make sure the prose gets escaped, even if it is an html_safe string
    markdown.gsub(/(\*\*)(.*?)(\*\*)/, '<strong>\2</strong>').html_safe
  alias_method :md, :custom_markdown
Posted by Dominik Schöler to makandra dev (2013-04-05 14:31)