Fix „rvm no such file to load -- openssl“ or "rvm no such file to load -- zlib"

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For example if you use rvm and get this message:

ERROR:  Loading command: install (LoadError)
    no such file to load -- zlib
ERROR:  While executing gem ... (NameError)
    uninitialized constant Gem::Commands::InstallCommand

You've installed your ruby without having all required libraries.

I don't know why there isn't a Warning message if you install a ruby with rvm and didn't have libraries like openssl and zlib.

To fix this you can execute this:

#to show the requirements for your system
rvm requirements
#to directly install the requirements
rvm requirements run
#after installing the requirements you have to recompile your rubies
rvm reinstall all --force
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Posted to makandra dev (2013-03-18 14:11)