Print large PDFs as a poster

Updated . Posted . Visible to the public.

Pdfposter is a Python script that allows to convert large PDFs into a PDF with multiple pages that can be printed and turned into one big poster.

In Ubuntu, you can install it with
sudo apt-get install pdfposter

Scaling to the desired size is a bit cumbersome. If you want to split large.pdf, I suggest you run
pdfposter -vns 0.5 large.pdf larger.poster.pdf
which will tell you into how many pages the file would be split. Then simply tweak the -s value till you get the desired number of pages, and remove the -n to generate the real thing.

Tobias Kraze
Last edit
scale, pdftools, tile
Source code in this card is licensed under the MIT License.
Posted by Tobias Kraze to makandra dev (2011-08-19 09:46)