The many gotchas of Ruby class variables

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TLDR: Ruby class variables (@@foo) are dangerous in many ways. You should avoid them at all cost. See bottom of this card for alternatives.

Class variables are shared between a class hierarchy

When you declare a class variable, it is shared between this and all descending (inheriting) classes. This is rarely what you want.

Class variables are bound at compile-time

Like unqualified constants, class variables are bound to your current scope when the .rb file is being parsed.
This will probably trip you up when you are writing a module or trait that defines class variables
for other classes.

Say you have the following code:

module Mod
  def foo

class Klass
  include Mod

@@foo does not mean Klass::@@foo (qualifier added to make my point; it is not valid Ruby expression). It actually means Mod::@@foo and is shared between Mod, all classes including Mod as well as all their subclasses.

Also note that only the class and module keywords can be used to change the scope to which class variables are bound. You can not change scope by using class_eval or instance_eval. For instance, the code below declares a variable @@counter that is shared between all classes of your application:

ActiveRecord::Base.class_eval do
  @@counter = 1

When encountering such code, Ruby will warn you:

warning: class variable access from toplevel

Unlike constants, which you can qualify like Klass::CONSTANT, there is no way to qualify a class variable like Klass::@@variable. When you want to tell Ruby that you mean another scope than the current scope, you need to use class_variable_get Show snapshot and class_variable_set Show snapshot .

Alternatives to using class variables

  • If a value only needs to be shared between a single class and its instances (not descending classes), just use an instance variable (@foo) in class context.
  • Sometimes you want to share a variable with sub-classes, but give sub-classes a way to override values without affecting the parent class. Rails has many helpers for this such as class_attribute Show snapshot and class_inheritable_accessor Show snapshot . Unfortunately their semantics are hard to understand, the helpers available differ for different versions of Rails and the behavior is subtly different. Make sure you read and understand the API before using these.
Henning Koch
Last edit
Jonas Schiele
Source code in this card is licensed under the MIT License.
Posted by Henning Koch to makandra dev (2013-02-12 16:04)