When you need to create a locale for a language variant (like Austrian for German), you probably don't want to duplicate your entire de.yml
file only to change a few minor exceptions for our Austrian friends.
Luckily, the I18n gem used by Rails has a fallback feature Show archive.org snapshot where you can make one locale file fall back to another if no translation is available.
In the example above you would have a config/locales/de_DE.yml
# hundreds of translations here
... and another locale config/locales/de_AT.yml
# only a handful exceptions here
configure Rails
Show archive.org snapshot
to make de_AT
fall back to de_DE
Rails.application.configure do
config.i18n.fallbacks = { de_AT: :de_DE }
Check if a key is defined in the current locale (without fallback)
Do this:
I18n.exists?('my.key', fallback: false)
Rails 2
For Rails 2.3.11 you need to upgrade your project to use the I18n gem by adding this to the top of your Gemfile
gem 'i18n'
Then run
bundle install
Posted by Henning Koch to makandra dev (2011-07-28 10:51)