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Prevent double clicks on link_to_remote (simple case)

Deleted user #6
February 07, 2013Software engineer

This works well in the simplified case, when your link disappears after it was clicked.

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Let link_to_remote behave as „disabled“ after the first click. Use the :before hook to replace the orignal link with a link that does nothing but looks like the original link:

  label = "do_something"
  dummy_link = link_to(label)
  other_attributes_hash = { :url => ..., :method => ..., ... }
  disable_link_option = { :before => "$('your_link_selector').html('#{escape_javascript(dummy_link)}'" } # jquery

= link_to_remote(label, other_attributes_hash.merge(disable_link_option);
Posted to makandra dev (2013-02-07 16:50)