How to diff two strings in Ruby

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When you need to use diff in either some Ruby code or your Rails app, use the differ gem Show snapshot .

puts Differ.diff "foo", "boo"
# => {"boo" >> "foo"}


There are several variants available, all using the base method diff(to, from, separator = "\n").
You have diff_by_line, diff_by_word, diff_by_char and may of course use your own separator:

puts Differ.diff 'Hauptsatz, und mein Nebensatz.', 'Hauptsatz, und dein Nebensatz.', ','
# => Hauptsatz,{" und dein Nebensatz." >> " und mein Nebensatz."}


Standard formatting is :ascii. You also have :html and :color formatting:

diff = Differ.diff "foo", "boo"

puts diff.format_as :html
# => <del class="differ">boo</del><ins class="differ">foo</ins>

puts diff.format_as :color
# => \e[31mboo\e[0m\e[32mfoo\e[0m
# In a terminal, this will be "boofoo" with boo being red and foo being green.

For more detailed information, check the attached link.

Dominik Schöler
Last edit
Dominik Schöler
difference, compare
Source code in this card is licensed under the MIT License.
Posted by Dominik Schöler to makandra dev (2011-07-27 11:43)