Memcache: Your cache node may degenerate over time, check your settings

Posted Over 11 years ago. Visible to the public.

We recently had a problem on a Memcache cluster, where one of the servers showed a significantly worse cache hit rate and a lot more evictions.

It turned out that the only reason was that the server was running for a few months longer than the others. Some investigation showed this to be a known problem with Memcache: Once your cache gets full, it might be "hardwired" for your specific usage patterns. If those change (and you for example start to store larger values), memory is no longer allocated optimally, in extreme cases Memcache might not be storing anything at all.

Here is an excellent article Show snapshot on the gruesome details.

Memcache actually has a feature to alleviate this. Make sure you run at least version 14.11 and enable the slab_automove and slab_reassign features. Compare the release notes Show snapshot .

This might still not fix your issues. There are memcache forks Show snapshot with a whole list of eviction strategies Show snapshot to choose from. I suggest you start by monitoring your own hit and miss rates, and see if you actually require more complicated approaches.

Tobias Kraze
Last edit
Over 11 years ago
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Posted by Tobias Kraze to makandra dev (2013-01-28 11:20)