Error: "sylogd: /var/log/authlog : no such file or directory" but the file exists

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If you get a message like this:

Jan 21 13:42:38 foobar syslogd: /var/log/authlog : no such file or directory

But you are sure the file exists and it have the correct permissions:

# example for Solaris 9
-rw-r--r-- 1 root sys 8,0K 21. Jan 13:51 /var/log/authlog

Then you perhaps have a trailing whitespace after /var/log/authlog in the /etc/syslog.conf.

Note: Use TAB to separate log components from log file names in Solaris. Because spaces do not work.

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Posted by Kim Klotz to makandra dev (2013-01-21 13:05)