See which Rails applications are being served by your Passenger

Updated . Posted . Visible to the public.

To obtain a list of Passenger processes with their application directories and memory usages, you can say

sudo passenger-memory-stats

This will output a list like this:

----- Passenger processes -----
PID    VMSize    Private  Name
671    112.9 MB  95.5 MB  Rails: /opt/www/project1/current
707    79.4 MB   60.5 MB  Rails: /opt/www/project2/current
1094   88.1 MB   69.3 MB  Rails: /opt/www/project3/current
1260   81.6 MB   62.6 MB  Rails: /opt/www/project4/current
1269   72.9 MB   55.6 MB  Rails: /opt/www/project5/current
Henning Koch
Last edit
Source code in this card is licensed under the MIT License.
Posted by Henning Koch to makandra dev (2011-06-30 08:12)