The basic idea is pretty simple: an element's height is accessible via the offsetHeight
property, its drawn height via scrollHeight
-- if they are not the same, the browser shows scrollbars.
var hasScrollbars = element.scrollHeight != element.offsetHeight;
So, in order to say something like...
Then the element "#dialog_content" should not have scrollbars
... you can use this step (only for Selenium scenarios):
Then /^the element "([^\"]+)" should( not)? have scrollbars$/ do |selector, no_scrollbars|
scroll_height = page.execute_script("return $('#{selector}').get(0).scrollHeight;")
offset_height = page.execute_script("return $('#{selector}').get(0).offsetHeight;")
comparison = no_scrollbars ? '==' : '!='
scroll_height.should.send(comparison, offset_height)
This should respect padding. However, I have not tested if margins have an effect on it.
Posted by Arne Hartherz to makandra dev (2012-12-03 14:02)