A nicer way to run RSpec and/or Cucumber

Updated . Posted . Visible to the public. Deprecated.

See https://github.com/makandra/geordi/ for the current state of these scripts.

geordi Show archive.org snapshot , our collection of awesome shell scripts, has been extended by three scripts to help you call RSpec or Cucumber:


This script runs Cucumber the way you want it:

  • Prints some line feeds to easily find your test results when you come back to the console later
  • Configures Cucumber to use cucumber_spinner Show archive.org snapshot if it is available in your Gemfile
  • Runs Cucumber under bundle exec
  • Uses an old version of Firefox for Selenium (Javascript) features if you setup your system that way
  • Runs features in parallel if parallel_tests gem was found in you Gemfile and no rerun.txt with content exists
  • [UPDATE] You can pass all cucumber command line options to the cuc script even if the tests are executed with parallel_tests.

Example usage:

cuc # runs all features
cuc features/users.feature # only run one feature
cuc -f pretty -t wip features/users.feature # run one feature with parameters like cucumber


This script runs RSpec the way you want it:

  • Prints some line feeds to easily find your test results when you come back to the console later
  • Calls RSpec 1 (spec) in a Rails 2 project and RSpec 2 (rspec) in a Rails 3 project
  • Configures RSpec to use rspec_spinner Show archive.org snapshot if it is available in your Gemfile
  • If rspec_spinner is unavailable, switches on color output
  • Runs all examples in spec if you don't give an argument
  • Runs RSpec under bundle exec
  • Runs examples in parallel if parallel_tests gem was found in you Gemfile

Example usage:

rs # runs all examples
rs spec/models/user_spec.rb # only runs one example


This runs all your tests for a full check against regressions:

  • Deletes a rerun.txt from earlier Cucumber failures
  • Runs rs
  • Runs cuc if rs succeeds

You can install all the scripts in the geordi toolbox by saying

gem install geordi
Henning Koch
Last edit
Jakob Scholz
Source code in this card is licensed under the MIT License.
Posted by Henning Koch to makandra dev (2011-06-10 16:05)