Files open with an error "the location is not a folder" after installing XFCE

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When using gnome-open (i.e. double-clicking a file, telling to browser to open a download, etc.) on Ubuntu you may get this error:

The location is not a folder.

It's due to the exo-utils package which does not play nice with gnome-open Show snapshot . You can fix the problem by uninstalling it:

sudo apt-get remove exo-utils

Note that this may also uninstall XFCE tools like xfce4-terminal or thunar (XFCE's directory browser). If you want to keep them, try another approach Show snapshot .

The error message looks like this and reads "Der angegebene Ort ist kein Ordner." on German Ubuntus:

Henning Koch
Last edit
ubuntu, gnome
Source code in this card is licensed under the MIT License.
Posted by Henning Koch to makandra dev (2011-06-09 10:18)