Capybara 2.0 has been released

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The gem author Jonas Nicklas highlights in a Google Groups post Show snapshot that the release

  • is not backwards compatible to 1.x versions of Capybara
  • does not support Ruby 1.8.x anymore
  • removes confusion with Rails' built in integration tests (you put capybara rspec integration tests into the spec/feature/... folder) and the :type metadata has been changed from :request to :feature
  • throws exceptions when trying to interact with an element whose identifier is not unique on the page (in earlier versions it used the first detected element found by the identifier)
  • has a new syntax for writing integration tests with capybara in rspec Show snapshot (describe => feature, it => scenario)

Excerpt of some other major changes Show snapshot

  • has_content? doesn't match hidden elements
  • body now returns the unmodified source
  • Node#wait_until and Session#wait_until have been removed. => Alternative: Node#synchronize
Ulrich Berkmüller
Last edit
Source code in this card is licensed under the MIT License.
Posted by Ulrich Berkmüller to makandra dev (2012-11-16 06:43)