Setup an Ubuntu mirror that enables local release upgrades

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Setup the mirror by following the steps described here Show snapshot .

If you want to enable OS upgrades using do-release-upgrade make sure you include $release-proposed packages in the mirror script, e.g., precise-proposed. Additionally, you have to add main/dist-upgrader-all to the $section in your script as debmirror silently ignores some directories.

I attached our modified script to include current releases

Enable Ubuntu release upgrade from the local mirror

Download the following two files into the root document directory of your local mirror:


Open both files, replace the hostname with your local mirror.

Run release upgrade on client machine

On the client machine you want to do the release upgrade, modify /etc/update-manager/meta-release such that

URI = http://$mirror/meta-release
URI_LTS = http://$mirror/meta-release-lts

Run do-release-upgrade, it should now use your local mirror.

Thomas Eisenbarth
Last edit
Source code in this card is licensed under the MIT License.
Posted by Thomas Eisenbarth to makandra dev (2012-11-14 10:50)