Updating a gem created with Bundler

Updated . Posted . Visible to the public.

Since May 2011 we are cutting new gems using Bundler Show archive.org snapshot , which is less painful than cutting gems using Jeweler. You know a gem was cut using Bundler if you see the word Bundler in a gem project's Rakefile.

This is how to update a gem that was cut using Bundler:

  • Say git pull or check out a repository from Github like git clone git@github.com:makandra/geordi.git
  • Update the gem version in lib/project/version.rb
  • Make and commit your changes. You can but don't need to push your changes to Github.
  • If you haven't logged in to Rubygems.org before:
    • Get credentials for Rubygems.org from the team
    • Say rake release, which will do everything right unless you haven't entered Rubygems credentials before
      • In that case kill the hanging rake release
      • Say gem push path/to/packaged.gem (e.g. pkg/geordi-1.2.3.gem) manually, so gem will properly prompt you for your credentials
      • For this time you're done. In the future, you only need to say rake release.
  • Say rake release. This will do many things for you:
    • Builds a gem package to e.g. pkg/geordi-1.2.3.gem
    • Adds and pushes a tag like "v1.2.3" to the repo
    • Pushes commits to the repo
    • Pushes the .gem package to Rubygems.org (what you could do manually by saying gem push pkg/geordi-1.2.3.gem)
  • The gem will be available on RubyGems.org after about 5 minutes
  • Install/update your own gem with sudo gem install GEMNAME
Henning Koch
Last edit
makandra, patch, release
Source code in this card is licensed under the MIT License.
Posted by Henning Koch to makandra dev (2011-05-26 09:22)