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Keyboard Navigation Plugin for Safari, Chrome and Firefox with a rich feature set

Dominik Schöler
October 31, 2012Software engineer at makandra GmbH

gleeBox is an experimental project that takes a keyboard-centric approach to navigating the web. It provides alternatives to actions that are traditionally performed via the mouse. Some of these are radically more efficient than using a mouse, some not so much. In all cases, they are mostly meant for keyboard and command line lovers.

Gleebox is a terrific plugin that makes navigating through webpages a wink. It even allows for selecting by jQuery selector.

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Rails Long Term Support

Rails LTS provides security patches for old versions of Ruby on Rails (2.3, 3.2, 4.2 and 5.2)

  • Prevents you from data breaches and liability risks
  • Upgrade at your own pace
  • Works with modern Rubies
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Posted by Dominik Schöler to makandra dev (2012-10-31 12:33)