Geordi: Running Selenium tests in a VNC buffer

Updated . Posted . Visible to the public. Deprecated.

With Ubuntu 20.04, the VNC server causes problems and we therefore don't want to use VNC for projects outside Docker.
With geordi 6.0.0, we removed the VNC dependencies from the project.

Geordi now supports our solution for running Selenium tests without having Firefox or Chrome windows popping up all over your workspace.

This will stop Selenium windows from appearing on your desktop, but you can still inspect them when necessary.


Update geordi Show snapshot with gem install geordi.

Run geordi vnc --setup and follow the instructions.


geordi cucumber will automatically use VNC. Launchy will still open pages in the usual place.

geordi vnc will allow you to inspect the running features.

If "Then show me the page" stops working

Try updating launchy.

Tobias Kraze
Last edit
Dominic Beger
support, for, headless, selenium
Source code in this card is licensed under the MIT License.
Posted by Tobias Kraze to makandra dev (2012-10-05 15:24)