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How to translate “business value” of things that are technically important

April 24, 2011Software engineer at makandra GmbH

User Stories should describe what a user wants the system to do. Purely technical tasks should usually be implemented as part of a User Story. But, sometimes there are technical tasks which cannot be directly linked to customer value. Things like “Upgrade to MySQL 6.0″ or “replace magic numbers with enums” need to be done. How can you prioritize these critical chores against User Stories? How can you make the product owner aware of the importance of such tasks (and the business risks of procrastination)?

Illustration UI/UX Design

UI/UX Design by makandra brand

We make sure that your target audience has the best possible experience with your digital product. You get:

  • Design tailored to your audience
  • Proven processes customized to your needs
  • An expert team of experienced designers
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Posted by Lexy to makandra dev (2011-04-24 16:40)