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ActionMailer sometimes breaks e-mails with multiple recipients in Rails 2

Henning Koch
September 18, 2012Software engineer at makandra GmbH

The ActionMailer in Rails 2 depends on a buggy version of TMail Show snapshot , which sometimes inserts a blank line into the mail header when sending a mail to multiple recipients. This makes the header end prematurely.

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The reason why this is not exploding in your face all the time is that when you are relaying your e-mail through an MTA like Exim, it will fix this for you.

Fix for Rails if you don't have an awesome MTA

TMail is no longer maintained. The bug is fixed in a fork, so say this in a Gemfile:

gem 'tmail', :git => ''
Posted by Henning Koch to makandra dev (2012-09-18 18:35)