Reading a URL via GET:
curl http://example.com/
Defining any HTTP method (like POST or PUT):
curl http://example.com/users/1 -XPUT
Sending data with a request:
curl http://example.com/users -d"first_name=Bruce&last_name=Wayne"
If you use
and do not set an HTTP request method it automatically defaults to POST. -
Performing basic authentication:
curl http://user:password@example.com/users/1
All together now:
curl http://user:password@example.com/users/1 -XPUT -d"screen_name=batman"
Check the man page Show archive.org snapshot for more features.
Read more
- You can also use Cookies with cURL.
- For easily making HTTP requests in an IRB or Rails console, take a look at the HTTP Show archive.org snapshot gem.
- If you prefer a GUI, take a look at the Chrome extension Postman Show archive.org snapshot .
- In the Network tab of Chrome Dev tools you can right-click a request and choose Copy / Copy as cURL. This copies an cURL CLI line into your clipboard that corresponds to the request.
Posted by Arne Hartherz to makandra dev (2011-04-08 07:30)