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How to fix gsub on SafeBuffer objects

Arne Hartherz
September 07, 2012Software engineer at makandra GmbH

If you have an html_safe string, you won't be able to call gsub with a block and match reference variables like $1. They will be nil inside the block where you define replacements (as you already know).

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This issue applies to both Rails 2 (with rails_xss) as well as Rails 3 applications.

Here is a fix to SafeBuffer#gsub. Note that it will only fix the $1 behavior, not give you a safe string in the end (see below).


def test(input)
  input.gsub /(f)/ do
    puts $1

>> test('foo')
=> "boo"

>> test('foo'.html_safe)
=> "boo"

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More fun: It's not a problem when using inline blocks.

>> 'foo'.html_safe.gsub(/(f)/) { puts $1; 'b' }
=> "boo"


This is because of the way rails_xss implements "unsafe" methods:

# vendor/plugins/rails_xss/lib/rails_xss/string_ext.rb

UNSAFE_STRING_METHODS = [ ..., "gsub", ... ].freeze

for unsafe_method in UNSAFE_STRING_METHODS
  class_eval <<-EOT, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1
    def #{unsafe_method}(*args)

    def #{unsafe_method}!(*args)
      raise TypeError, "Cannot modify SafeBuffer in place"

It is correct to use to_str to force an unsafe string, since using gsub may very well turn a safe string into an unsafe one.

Unfortunately, the implementation also means that the block you pass (with a "gsub do") to a SafeBuffer will not be the block that you pass when doing that on a "normal" String.

What's happening here is that the "string" is matched against your regular expression, which populates the global match object $~. While the block itself will be passed on by the super call, its global match bindings are no longer valid, as they are reset when entering a new block.

How to fix it

Since you can't really expect outside code (read: Gems) to not use $1 (and there is plenty, believe me) when calling gsub on an input that may be a SafeBuffer, you need to fix this behavior yourself.

This works like a charm:

class ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer

  def gsub(*, &block)
    if block_given?
      super do |*other_args|
        Thread.current[:LAST_MATCH_DATA] = $~
        eval("$~ = Thread.current[:LAST_MATCH_DATA]", block.binding)*other_args)


Now we grab the global match object our "outside" block received. We populate it to the inside block's scope so that your replacement logic can again access $1, $2, and all their friends.

The result is not a SafeBuffer but an unsafe String. This is for good reason (and we explicitly call to_str for that), since you could make safe strings unsafe with the right/wrong replacements.

Arne Hartherz
September 07, 2012Software engineer at makandra GmbH
Posted by Arne Hartherz to makandra dev (2012-09-07 16:29)