How to deal with strange errors from WEBrick

Updated . Posted . Visible to the public.

If you get errors from your development WEBrick that contain unicode salad, you are probably requesting the page via SSL. \
Since WEBrick does not speak SSL, so change the URL in your browser to use http instead of https.

The error looked like this for me:

[2012-09-06 11:19:07] ERROR bad URI `\000\026\000\020\000'.
[2012-09-06 11:19:07] ERROR bad URI `\000\026\000\020\000'.
[2012-09-06 11:19:07] ERROR bad Request-Line `\026\003\001\000�\001\000\000\177\003\001PHj�\031\006�L��'.
[2012-09-06 11:19:07] ERROR bad URI `\000\026\000\020\000'.
Arne Hartherz
Last edit
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Posted by Arne Hartherz to makandra dev (2012-09-06 13:08)