Accept nested attributes for a record that is not an association

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Note: Instead of using the method in this card, you probably want to use ActiveType's nested attributes Show snapshot which is a much more refined way of doing this.

The attached Modularity Show snapshot trait allows you to accept nested attributes for a record that is not an association, e.g.:

    class Site < ActiveRecord::Base
      def home_page
        @home_page ||= Page.find_by_name('home')
      does 'accept_nested_attributes_for_member', :home_page

It has some limitations:

  • Only works for singular member references ("belongs to"), not for a collection of references ("has many")
  • No support for deletion (but could be patched in)
  • You need to build this record yourself (obviously)
Henning Koch
Last edit
Felix Eschey
activerecord, rails
Source code in this card is licensed under the MIT License.
Posted by Henning Koch to makandra dev (2012-08-30 14:59)