We are maintaining some vintage projects with tests written in Test::Unit instead of RSpec. Mocks and stubs are not features of Test::Unit, but you can use the Mocha Show archive.org snapshot gem to add those facilities.
The following is a quick crash course to using mocks and stubs in Mocha, written for RSpec users:
| RSpec | Mocha |
| obj = double()
| obj = mock()
| obj.stub(:method => 'value')
| obj.stubs(:method).returns('value')
| obj.should_receive(:method).with('argument').and_return('value')
| obj.expects(:method).with('argument').returns('value')
| obj.should_not_receive(:method)
| obj.expects(:method).never
| obj.should_receive(:method).once
| obj.expects(:method).once
| obj.should_receive(:method).with('argument', anything)
| obj.expects(:method).with('argument', anything)
| obj.should_receive(:method).with(hash_including(:key => 'value'))
| obj.expects(:method).with(has_entries(:key => 'value'))