You will occasionally need to clean out your database while keeping the schema intact, e.g. when someone inserted data in a migration or when you had to kill -9
a frozen test process.
Old Capybara versions already have the
Database Cleaner gem
Show snapshot
as dependency. Otherwise add database_cleaner
to your *Gemfile`. This lets you say this from the Rails console:
DatabaseCleaner.strategy = :truncation
You can package this into a nice little Rake task by copying the attachment into lib/tasks/clean_database.rake
. Now you can e.g. clean the test database by saying on the shell:
rake db:clean RAILS_ENV=test
If you are using the parallel_tests gem, the task is aware and will clean all your test databases.
Posted by Henning Koch to makandra dev (2011-03-14 10:08)