Consul 0.4.0 released

Updated . Posted . Visible to the public.

Consul 0.4.0 comes with some new features.


  • Consul no longer requires assignable_values, it's optional for when you want to use the authorize_values_for macro.
  • Consul no longer uses ActiveSupport::Memoizable because that's deprecated in newer Railses. Consul now uses Memoizer for this.

Temporarily change the current power

When you set Power.current to a power in an RSpec example, you must remember to nilify it afterwards. Otherwise other examples will see your global changes.

A better way is to use the .with_power method to change the current power for the duration of a block:

admin = => 'admin')
admin_power =

Power.with_power(admin_power) do
  # run code that uses Power.current

Power.current will be nil (or its former value) after the block has ended.

A nice shortcut is that when you call with_power with an argument that is not already a Power, Consul will instantiate a Power for you:

admin = => 'admin')

Power.with_power(admin) do
  # run code that uses Power.current

Support for Ruby collections as powers

Powers can now be vanilla Ruby collections such as arrays or sets:

class Power
  power :key_figures do
    [:amount, :working_costs, :shared_costs] if admin?

Power.current.key_figures # => [:amount, :working_costs, :shared_costs] for admins
Power.current.key_figures? # => true for admins
Power.current.key_figure?(:amount) # => true for admins
Power.current.key_figure?(:xyz) # => false for everyone
Power.current.key_figures! # does nothing for admins, raises Consul::Powerless otherwise
Power.current.key_figure!(:amount) # does nothing for admins, raises Consul::Powerless otherwise

That means you can also write your assignable_values Show snapshot value sources like this:

power :key_figures
  [:amount, :working_costs, :shared_costs] if admin?

(But you can still use def)

Support for arbitrary Ruby objects as powers

Any Ruby object can now be a power:

class Power
  power :api_key do
    'secret-123' if admin?

Power.current.api_key # => 'secret-123' for admins
Power.current.api_key? # => true for admins
Power.current.api_key! # does nothing for admins, raises Consul::Powerless otherwise
Henning Koch
Last edit
Source code in this card is licensed under the MIT License.
Posted by Henning Koch to makandra dev (2012-08-01 13:46)