Paperclip: Image resize options

Updated . Posted . Visible to the public.

Paperclip uses the imagemagick resize options like 100x50> , 100x50<, 100x50# etc to resize images.
See the link what options are available.

  • ('!') Ignore Aspect Ratio
  • ('>') Only Shrink Larger
  • ('<') Only Enlarge Smaller
  • ('^') Fill Given Area
  • ('%') Percentage Resize
  • ('@') Pixel Area Limit
  • ('#') Crop thumbnail centrally and ensure the requested dimensions, not documented at imagemagick doc
Ulrich Berkmüller
Last edit
Deleted user #6
paperclip, image, resize, options, size, scale, crop
Source code in this card is licensed under the MIT License.
Posted by Ulrich Berkmüller to makandra dev (2011-02-25 13:44)