First or last symbols in string

Last 12 symbols from UUID:

uuidgen | tail -c 12

First 8 symbols from UUID:

uuidgen | head -c 8

Add user to group

sudo usermod -aG $GROUP $USER

Linux rescue

In grub menu select autoline and press e. Find the line which is started with linux and append


to the end of this. After you will boot it (Ctrl-x), you will get a root shell immediately. But the filesystme will be in the readonly mode. To fix it execute:

mount -o remount, rw /

Gradle and dbmaintain


dbmaintain is plugin (best for my opinion) that allowes to safely migrate dbscheme. It has excellent support for Maven and Ant but not for Gradle. But Gradle has excellent support for Ant, so we can call dbmaintain ant tasks from Gradle build script.

A small note - I prefer to not contain any libraries in my source code repository (Git currently), so dbmaintain will be loaded from the maven's central repository.


This text don't cover work with dbmaintain. If you need more information about...