Clojure + Vim

Set up swank

lein plugin install swank-clojure 1.4.0 # install swank
lein swank #start swank (preferably in hidden screen session and in lein project)


'(       #turn of paredit
,c      #connect to swank session
,d      #evaluate defn
,e      #evaluate expression

Useful links

Installing clojure
Vim setup

GNU screen

TODO: .screenrc file, cheatsheet

Needed for colors in vim

attrcolor b ".I"    # allow bold colors - necessary for some reason
termcapinfo xterm 'Co#256:AB=\E[48;5;%dm:AF=\E[38;5;%dm'   # tell screen how to set colors. AB = background,         
defbce on    # use current bg color for erased chars

Vim cheatsheet

Useful links

Terminal Colors


zf{motion} or {Visual}zf #Operator to create a fold.
zf'a # fold to mark
zF :Create a fold for N lines.
zd :Delete one fold at the cursor.
zD :Delete folds recursively at the cursor.
zE :Eliminate all folds in the window.
zo :Open one fold.
zO :Open all folds recursively.
zc :Close one fold.
zC :Close all folds recursively.
za :When on a closed fold: open it.and vice-versa.
