Correlating CPU usage from top output to a particular thread in the JVM
Technote (troubleshooting)


This document contains Information on how to correlate a process ID (PID) from top output to a thread in your javacore file.

This document describes how to find Java™ threads from an IBM JRE running on Linux that are consuming large amounts of CPU cycles. This document does not describe all of the possible reasons and causes for high CPU problems. It's possible that the ...

Core dump instructions - Hung threads in WebSphere

Setting generic JVM arguments in WebSphere Application Server


To alter the location of the core dumps, you can either edit the -Xdump argument, or you can alter this environment variable


Setting environment entries in WebSphere Application Server

JMS connection and JMS session

When an application sends messages using JMS, it must open both a JMS connection and a JMS session.
For example:

QueueConnection jmsconn = qcf.createQueueConnection();
QueueSession session = jmsconn.createQueueSession(false,
The JMS connection factory that is configured in WebSphere Application Server has connection pool and session pool settings. Each connection in the connection pool has its own session pool. The call to createQueueConnection() gets a connection from the connection pool and the call to createQue...

Apache unable to create scoreboard shared memory failure

  • Check similar issue related to LLAWP process under IHS vs LLAWP locked semaphores

Error: (17)File exists: unable to create scoreboard (name-based shared memory failure)

This occurs when apache has had an ungraceful shutdown (for one reason or another) and did not free up a shared memory segment. When httpd is restarted it discovers that its shared memory segment already exists, thinks an instance is already running, and terminates because it cannot allocate the resources it needs.

To fix the problem without requiring a system r...

IBM HTTP Server Questions and Answers

Provide feedback on the IBM HTTP Server forum on IBM developerWorks.

This document is quite long, but is optimized for search.

IBM HTTP Server Questions and Answers
    Other FAQ documents
        Building/using modules not provided with IHS (PHP, etc)
        Supported configurations
        SSL Cryptographic Hardware
        Using IHS with the WAS plugin
        Startup/Shutodwn FAQs

MQSeries Log grep

It is going to show only message logs with Errors on MQSeries:

cat AMQERR01.LOG | grep AMQ | grep -v AMQ9002 | grep -v AMQ9001 | grep -v AMQ9545 | grep -v AMQ9202 "

Useful puppetdb queries

Pick up All Servers:

curl -X GET --tlsv1
--cacert /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/certs/ca.pem
--cert /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/certs/.pem
--key /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/private_keys/<cert_name>.pem
-H "Accept application/json"
https://localhost:8081/pdb/query/v4/facts/ipaddress | python -m json.tool


    "certname": "XPTO",
    "environment": "production",
    "name": "ipaddress",
    "value": ""

curl 'http://localhost:8080/pdb/quer...