makandra Curriculum

makandra offers an 8 month paid trainee program 🇩🇪 for junior developers that are looking to start a professional career in...

makandra Curriculum

Ruby is the programming language we use on the backend. Goals After finishing this lesson you should be able to...

makandra Curriculum

Git is our version control system. Goals Understand why we use git. Learn how to work with your local repository...

makandra is responsible for maintaining about 75 Ruby projects. These projects use a large number of different versions for Ruby...

Rails is our web framework. Goals Be able to write a simple Rails application. Understand how Rails talks to the...

makandra Curriculum

Understand why we test: Low defect rate without a QA department. Customer acceptance testing can concentrate on new features...

makandra Curriculum

Basic validations Read the Rails Guide on ActiveRecord Validations. You should have an overview which kinds of validations are built...

makandra Curriculum

Understand at least the following CSS concepts: Classes Selecting elements for styling Basic styling (color, typography, spacing)

JavaScript is a scripting language supported by all browsers. Browsers don't speak Ruby, so if we want to implement...

JavaScript code can access and manipulate the browser's DOM tree. Using JavaScript we can add interactive behavior to our...

In this card we will learn to write code that scales with a large number of database records. We will...

Read the following chapters from The Pragmatic Programmer, anniversary edition (in our library): Chapter 1, Topic 3: Software Entropy...

makandra Curriculum

Understand what Memoization is and when it can be useful. Understand the @variable ||= computation pattern. Learn how to use...

makandra Curriculum

When your code does not behave as expected, you can use a debugger statement ("breakpoint") at any point in your...

makandra Curriculum

Built-in matchers Get an overview of all the matchers that are built into RSpec. Play with some of...

makandra Curriculum

makandra's development process Learn about our process. The squares represent the state of the issue in Linear:

makandra Curriculum

Learn Enough Command Line to be Dangerous (it's in our library => Google Drive) CLI tricks every developer should...

Learn to treat files as an ActiveRecord attribute type, like :string or :integer Research Look at the README for...

makandra Curriculum

Understand the differences between git diff and git diff --staged (or git diff --cached) Understand the difference between git...

You have the following HTML structure:

If you want to run Javascript code whenever someone clicks on a ...

..., you...

A common task in web applications is to add client-side JavaScript behavior to existing HTML elements.

What is a Cookie? Google it if you do not know. How are cookies transferred between your browser and...

Web security basics Einführung in die Web Security 🇩🇪 provides essentials for the topic of this card. Read following chapters:

makandra Curriculum

Watch Solving bizarre authorization requirements with Rails Read the Consul README Read the assignable_values README Understand how Consul...