400 Bonus: Buzzwords and staying up to date [1d]

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Web technology is a broad field and you cannot be an expert in all aspects.

However, it is useful to have a rough understanding of common terms and buzzwords, so that you don't seem uninformed when talking to a client or other developers.

Get an overview

Search the Internet for each of the following terms. Only take a couple of minutes for each and don't get into too much detail. Do get a rough idea about the advantages they promise.

  • Continuous Integration or CI
  • Single-Page Application or SPA
  • Progressive Web Application or PWA
  • Service Worker
  • Software as a Service or SaaS
  • Serverless
  • React
  • Svelte
  • Vue.js
  • Node.js
  • NoSQL
  • GraphQL
  • Microservices
  • Monorepo
  • Elasticsearch
  • AWS and EC2
  • CDN
  • Web Components or Custom Elements
  • OAuth
  • SAML
  • 2FA
  • Redis
  • Docker ( good introduction video 🇩🇪 Show archive.org snapshot )
  • Kubernetes or K8s
  • Elixir / Phoenix
  • A/B testing
  • Internet of Things
  • Blockchain
  • DevOps
  • Artificial Intelligence or AI or Machine Learning

Also read Awesome Cold Showers Show archive.org snapshot .

Discuss a few of these technology with your mentor. Focus your discussion on how the respective technology relates to our daily work as a web development consultancy.

Staying up to date

Below you can find resources to stay up to date. These will only help you if you can build a habit of consuming it periodically, e.g. a blog feed to read on the train or a podcast you can listen to while shopping or cleaning.

See if one of those work for you:

E-mail newsletters


A good feed reader to subscribe to multiple blogs is Feedly Show archive.org snapshot . It has clients for web and mobile.

You can also use Blogtrottr Show archive.org snapshot to receive feeds via email (e.g. as a daily digest).


You can create a Twitter account Show archive.org snapshot just to follow accounts, you don't need to post.


A good player to subscribe to multiple podcasts is Pocket Casts Show archive.org snapshot . It has free clients for Android and iOS. An 1€/month subscription gives you a web player.

Henning Koch
Last edit
Jonas Schiele
Source code in this card is licensed under the MIT License.
Posted by Henning Koch to makandra Curriculum (2017-02-03 16:37)