110 Where to find API documentation [0.5d]

Posted Almost 9 years ago. Visible to the public.

There is no single place to look up documentation for our stack.

This card includes some hints where you can find API documentation. You probably want to drag a few of those links to your bookmarks toolbar. This will help in the upcoming exercises.


Basic classes like String, Error, Hash or Object are part of the Ruby standard library:

Ruby on Rails

Since you will use Rails more than any other gem, you will always want its documentation to be close:


ActiveSupport extends core classes in Ruby Show archive.org snapshot .

We are so used to having ActiveSupport around that we don’t even think of it separate from Ruby anymore.
Which is why some methods you would expected to be documented in Ruby are actually in the Rails docs, e.g.


The best way to learn about a Ruby gem, Javascript libary, etc. is often to find the repository on Github and look at its README file. Here are a few examples:

Some libraries also publish dedicated sites with their documentation, e.g.:

Web Platform (HTML, JavaScript, CSS)

The best reference to look up information on HTML tags, JavaScript features or CSS properties is the English MDN Web Docs Show archive.org snapshot .

External APIs

When you're using external SaaS APIs, they often publish language-independent documentation. Some examples:

Anything not mentioned here

Henning Koch
Last edit
16 days ago
Michael Leimstädtner
Source code in this card is licensed under the MIT License.
Posted by Henning Koch to makandra Curriculum (2015-08-14 16:06)