Install XGBoost with GPU support with conda

conda install py-xgboost-gpu


ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'cv2' in jupyter notebook

Create a new environment with as of now python 3.7 since opencv not available in conda's python 3.8 packages

conda create --name opencv-cuda python=3.7
conda activate opencv-cuda
conda install pytorch torchvision cudatoolkit=10.2 opencv -c pytorch
import cv2

If the above is all fine, but in jupyter the "No module named 'cv2'" error still an issue. Make sure to install jupyter in that environment too.

If jupyter is intalled in the base environment but not in opencv-cud it will be started...

Delete all Sidekiq Pro Batches

bs =
bs.each do |batch|

How to restore kde klipper confirm dialog to defaults (KDE4)

I asked the same question from myself and it took some time to find a proper solution.

KDE config settings stored in ~/.share/config and klippers' in ~/.share/config/klipperrc

In that file there is configuration group called Notification Messages in which all answers which were answered with "Do not ask again" checkbox ticked are stored.

[Notification Messages]

In this case whenever user clicks on Clear Clipboard History it will always taken as if the user got the pop and answered no. If it...

Load TAGS file in emacs manually

M-x visit-tags-table

You need to point to the directory in which ETAGS file generated and it will be loaded.

Git reset author for last x commit

git rebase -i -x 'git ci --amend --reset-author -Chead' head~5

Etags for Emacs

ctags -e -R --exclude=.git

This is going to generate a TAGS file in project root

Memoization in ruby with nested methods

class Example
  def foo
    def foo
    bar = (1..10).inject(1, :*)
    puts "bar is #{bar}"
    @wibble = "wibble is #{bar / 30}"
    @bar = bar / 20

example =
bar is 3628800
=> 181440 
=> 181440

The hard working method, the outer def foo is called only once, on the first invocation, afterward, the nested def foo overrides it and simply returning the @bar variable from the object. The nested def foo still accessing the same object.

Note ...

Emacs keybinding link collection

Join previous line: M-^

Join next line: C-1 M-^

KDE Window Titlebar Missing

If KDE is crash for some reason and not able to restore window's titlebar type this into konsole:

This will restore window titles and redirect further error messages to /dev/null

kwin_x11 --replace & 2> /dev/null

Gread in Emacs

Vim fugitive Gread command's equivavelent in emacs is: vc-revert

gdiff vim other branch same file

Given you are on the development branch and have another branch my_topic
  And want to compare the same file on the two different branches
 When open a file in vim say, Gemfile
 Then type :Gdiff my_topic
  And Vim open Gemfile from my_topic branch in a new split

Linux volume control from command line and mute/unmute

To Mute:

amixer -D pulse sset Master mute

To Unmute:

amixer -D pulse sset Master unmute

To turn volume up 5%:

amixer -D pulse sset Master 5%+

To turn volume down 5%:

amixer -D pulse sset Master 5%-

Elixir / Phoenix system packages install on opensuse 13.2

zypper ar
# for inotify (live code reload)
zypper ar

zypper ref
zypper in inotify-tools
zypper in erlang-full
zypper in elixir
zypper in erts-devel

Devise email validation regexp

config.email_regexp = /\A(([\p{L}0-9]+_+)|([\p{L}0-9]+\-+)|([\p{L}0-9]+\.+)|([\p{L}0-9]+\++))*[\p{L}0-9]+@(([\p{L}0-9]+\-+)|([\p{L}0-9]+\.))*[\p{L}0-9]{1,63}\.[\p{L}]{2,6}\z/i

Add custom nested translation path to a rails engine

In your engine's engine.rb file add these line:

module MyEngine
  class MyEngine < Rails::Engine
    config.before_initialize do                                                      
      config.i18n.load_path += Dir["#{config.root}/config/locales/**/*.yml"]

Nicely formatted colored git log

I was struggle to set up a nicely formatted git log for a while. What I wanted to achive is to be able to quickly overlook the history including the
branch structure, authors, time of commits, remote and local branches. Here is what I currently use

I used to use this config in the past, there is little problem with this - honestly not too big -, is that all the branches displayed with yellow:

  prlog = log --graph --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%ad) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset' --abbrev-commit ...

Force Launcyh to use a specific browser even if running through ssh -X

If using zeus in that terminal issue the command below:

export BROWSER='/usr/bin/konqueror'

than in another terminal run

zeus cucumber features/holly____.feature

BROWSER will take precedence over xdg-open and - by using different browser - fix firefox's strange behaviour with X11 ssh forward

How to split up rails 3.x logger by unicorn workers


worker_processes 4

after_fork do |server, worker|
  $worker_nr =                                                                                                     


module MyApp
  class Application < Rails::Application
    #... lots of config options
    config.logger ="log", "#{Rails.env}_#{$worker_nr}.log").to_s))

set user home inside a docker container

ENV HOME /home/dev
USER dev 
RUN curl -L | bash -s stable

Opensuse docker certificate error

You see this 2013/11/28 14:00:24 Get x509: certificate signed by unknown authorit

You say wtf????????

Then In this file /etc/ssl/ca-bundle.pem there is a hint: /usr/lib/ca-certificates/update.d/ run it. Reboot. Voila no cert errors.

Opensuse VIM Konsole 256 colors

Try Settings -> Edit Current Profile... -> Environment: Edit... -> enter "TERM=xterm-256color" (without "").

To check how many colors terminal has use this script

TMUX HOME END not working

I had a problem under OpenSuSE 13.1 with tmux 1.8-2.1.2 the home and end buttons did not work. It took me so long to find a solution but finally here it is, original link attached.

There is a nice tool called tput which can display the key sequence values that the system receives when a user hit a button, and another one bind which can map key sequences to another. This way it easy to spot that under tmux the system receives different sequence.

Test it like this:

$ cat -v # pressing home, then end
$ tput...

ActiveRecord chaining multiple union with Arel

It seems chain uinon with union is possible with newer versions of Arel. But i currently stucked with 3.0.2 so this is what i come up with:

beer = Beer.arel_table
union1 = Beer.where(name: "Oberon").union(Beer.where(name: "Two Hearted")) 
table1 ="two_beers.*").from(beer.create_table_alias(union1, :two_beers).to_sql)

union2 = table1.union(Beer.where(name: "Distilled"))
table2 = Beer.from(beer.create_table_alias(union2, :beers).to_sql)

The generated SQL is far from being nice but for me works.