Ao tentar executar o firefox remoto, com um fluxo GEB por exemplo, pode ser que a seguinte exceção seja gerada:
Caused by NotConnectedException: Unable to connect to host localhost on port 7055 after 45000 ms. Firefox console output:
Client is not authorized to connect to ServerClient is not authorized to connect to ServerError: cannot open display: :1
Client is not authorized to connect to ServerClient is not authorized to connect to ServerError: cannot open display: :1
Passo 1 - Parar o Servidor VNC
/usr/bin/vncserver -kill :1
Passo 2 - Rode os comandos abaixo
rm -rfv ~/.Xauthority*
touch ~/.Xresources
Passo 3 - Rode o Servidor VNC novamente
DISPLAY=:1 xhost +
cat ~/.vnc/*.log
Passo 4 - Verificar se o Servidor VNC está rodando
ps -Acf | grep Xtightvnc
Posted by Halisson to ZeroGlosa (2013-12-10 11:38)