Magento 2 : Form component

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Text box component with currency symbol as prefix

In Product Form, Magento uses the text ui component with currency symbol as a prefix for price.
Following example shows how to get the prefix in text component

In form xml

<field name="final_total_text" formElement="input" sortOrder="120" component="Vasan_Bidding/js/form/components/price">
                <label translate="true">Total</label>

In js file

], function (Element, priceUtils) {
    'use strict';

    return Element.extend({
        defaults: {
            currency_sign: '$',
            imports : {
                currency_sign: '${ $.provider}:data.currency_sign'
        setInitialValue: function () {
            var self = this;

            return this;

        setFormatPrice: function (value) {
            var priceFormat = {
                decimalSymbol: '.',
                groupLength: 3,
                groupSymbol: ",",
                integerRequired: false,
                precision: 2,
                requiredPrecision: 2
            var price = (value) ? priceUtils.formatPrice(value, priceFormat) : 0.00;
            this.initialValue = price;
            this.value._latestValue = price;

            return this;

In html

<span data-bind="text: currency_sign"></span>
<span class="admin__field-value"
        text: value,
        attr: {
            name: inputName,
            id: uid

Last edit
Posted by vasan to vasan's deck (2022-03-24 17:31)