Here you can learn about the docker basic and its commands
- How to execute the docker run command
The docker run command is used to get the specific docker image from registry and start and run the container of the image.
For this example, the alpine docker image is used as it is more light weight linux image.
docker run alpine:3.4 uptime
Here the apline is a public image and it will be pulled from registry and created the container and started the container and ran the 'uptime' and exit.
To log into container, run following command.
docker run -it alpine:3.4 sh
To keep the container in running state in detach mode, execute continuously running command.
For example
docker run -d alpine:3.4 ping
To check the last ran container status.
docker ps -l
To see all the containers.
docker ps -a
To see only the last two containers.
docker ps -n 2
- How to start, stop and remove the containers
Container can be started using following command with container id or name.
docker start <container_id / container_name>
Container can be stopped using following command with container id or name.
docker stop <container_id / container_name>
Container can be removed using following command with container id or name.
docker rm <container_id / container_name>
- How to check the docker logs
docker logs <container_id / container_name>
- How to check the available docker networks
docker network ls
- How to log into running container
docker exec -it <container_id / container_name> /bin/bash
- How to build a image from Dockerfile
docker build -t <image name and version> .
- How to list all the docker images
docker images
- How to remove a docker image
docker rmi <image id>
- How to inspect a container
You can find all the detail about the container
eg ip
docker inspect <container id>
- If you want to get only the ip detail use following command
docker inspect -f '{{range.NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' <container id>