Computer Vision Resources

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Face Detection For Beginners Show snapshot

PassportEye 1.4.1 Show snapshot The package provides tools for recognizing machine readable zones (MRZ) from scanned identification documents. The documents may be located rather arbitrarily on the page - the code tries to find anything resembling a MRZ and parse it from there.

Doubango Telecom Machine-readable zone/passport Show snapshot Insanely fast and accurate (99.7% F-score) MRZ/MRP detector and recognizer using deep learning.

Powerful PHP Computer Vision Library Show snapshot PHPOpenCV is a PHP extension based on the OpenCV C\C++ interface. It can be understood as the PHP version of OpenCV, a PHP extension for computer vision development.
Support for PHP7+ and OpenCV4.0.0+.

Last edit
Posted by kiatng to RPA - ML (2019-09-26 06:36)